Monday, May 26, 2014

Gotta Start Somewhere

Well here goes. I have no idea how this blogging works, but what the heck. I don't see any score cards around....Maybe some day I will figure this out or get some help, but for now my words will have to do. No pretty pictures yet.
I discovered this medium about a year ago when I happened upon The House in The Roses and Cielo.  She is just the sweetest lady and I love the way she writes.  From her blog list I started looking at other sites and have spent countless hours looking at so many beautiful homes, gardens and reading the words of many lovely ladies.  Some you really connect to and some are just interesting, but the common thread in all the blogs is that special quality we women have. No matter what our age, some of us still have a young heart and  magic in or souls that will keep us young forever.

I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer 2 years ago, ocular melanoma.  It was quite the shock as I have been healthy most of my life.  The type I have does not have a very good survival rate and while I have this fact in my mind, it still is not real to me.  I really believe that if I didn't have the ability to see things the way I want to and not accept what the doctors say, I would not be doing as well as I am.  I have gone through the treatments for this condition, including chemo(what a living hell that was) I still have sight in that eye and I didn't loose my hair.  I am sure as women you can relate to how important our hair is, so I consider myself so very lucky. I have very long hair and I intend on keeping it. My point is, the ability to be believe in magic and make believe is such an important quality to have.  It will get you through the worst of times and keep you young at heart.

So here's to seeing you all at the next tea party in fairyland.  Invite all the witches, fairies and creatures of the forest and we can dress in our finest and celebrate life.
Thanks for listening.


  1. oh Sheery welcome to Bloglandia! I first want to say I love your last line about tea parties in Fairyland, inviting all the witches, fairies and creatures of the forst and dressing in out finest to celebrate life....I was just wishing and praying for that again for the hundredth time, that I wish I lived with those beautiful souls who do these things! I have bought clothes etc just for these occasions, tea things and linens, and no one here is interested. soooo very sad.
    Second I want to offer my compassion for your ''diagnosis'' and I believe it the diagnosis alone which kills people, and by not believing one can get through many ailments, I do this as a practice, but I don't want to demean your experience, just that not accepting what the doctors say will more often help a persons own bodie's wisdom to heal you are right!
    Are those pictures of your home? I LOVE THEM ! :D
    I found you through Cielo's blog and I see you comment often and I love what you say, I will follow you my dearest magical kin and hope to see you soon. blessings, lady

    1. sorry for the misspelling of your name, I thought I corrected it but it didn't show up.

  2. Oh my goodness, my first comment. Thanks so much for stopping by. I really have no idea what I am doing here. I was excited that I figured out how to post pictures. Thanks for your kind words. Anyone that know me does not see me as sick, I guess because I don't think sick and I don't look it. I only mention it I guess as a reality check every once in a while.
    I know what you mean about not knowing anyone that likes tea parties or pretending and dressing up. None of my friends are interested in that. They think I am odd. That's ok I know there are many of us out there and besides it's no fun being like everyone else. Yes this pictures are of my home, my favorite place to be.
    Thanks for stopping by to say hi and I noticed your like David Delamare. I have his picture of "The Gyspy Medina".

  3. Hi Sherry, I don't know if you check your comments or not, but you commented on my blog and I could not respond since you are a ''no reply'' blogger which you can change if you like so you can receive return comments. I like to respond to all who write to me, its just a recognition to them that I do read and they do not stop their day and write to me for nothing. :D
    So I will copy here my response to you:..............
    My home is a work in progress, an expression of what is in my heart and soul, what needs to be turned inside to outside so I can breathe better in a harsh world. I regret getting rid of my Boxed Sets of Victoria Magazine of the old days! I even had their storage boxes for each year, I had three which held 12 issues each , the best in my opinion. And I jsimply gave it away, I do that doing it again now decades later with other things and hope I don't regret them either. I've been trying to get lots of old Victoria Mags from the 80's but they seem to be more expensive than the newer ones. Yes my favorite days too were those Victoria days and when I could feel like I lived my life through them as they expressed me so perfectly, then putting the magazine down.....oy! what IS this place?! LOLOL

    I will speak this language and so be ''the more'' your heart wishes for....:-) and who knows who will come on board.....and then we shall have more and more :D
    how's that?

  4. My dear Sherry... I'm finally starting to get to know you in your physical life, because when it comes to the spirit, I have known you all my life... hope and faith is what keep the magic alive in us... I am glad you decided to start your blog. I love it. Can I help you make a blog banner? Something that you'll like? I'll start working on something... and I love love your house, your kitchen ahhhh, and kitty... I'm happy to be here my friend.



  5. anything you could help with Cielo is greatly appreciated.
