I have many good qualities, but sadly patience has never been one of them. Somewhere it has been decided that I acquire this virtue, or at least something passable.
I was having trouble with my vision in eye with the melanoma and saw my Dr. last Wednesday to find out what is going on. As it turns out a blood vessel was leaking a casing the vision problem. So without warning they did a laser procedure on my eye that required my eye be blocked or completely anesthetized to avoid any movement during this procedure. That translates to A SHOT IN THE EYE!!!! Now I'm quite sure that shots are not at the top of anyone's favorite things, but on my list there is not a place low enough to put this experience. The only good thing I can say is that I had no advance warning or I would have stressed over this for days. I HATE NEEDLES..can't even look at them. Anyway I got through the procedure and the shot was the worst part, and the black eye does nothing for me, but for the last 5 days I've had no sight in that eye. The Dr. said it would come back slowly but to what degree he couldn't say.
This is where the patience part comes in. Not having sight in both eyes completely messes up your depth perception and how you navigate. Something as simple a pouring liquid into a glass requires thought and adjustment. I have not even considered trying to drive and having that freedom taken away is hardest of all. When I want to go I just go, not so right now. I think tomorrow I will attempt to go back to work and see (HA HA) how that goes. I cant get into too much trouble sitting at a desk. I shall have to find substitutes for some of the expletives I have used in the past days...
Blogging and pinterest can eat of the better part of a day so I have not been bored and I have finished a couple of projects that have sat for far too long.
I cant wait for my sight to come back even if only in part. A little is better than none.
I know Patience....